2022-09-14The paper written by Z. Hang was published in ACS Nano (journal paper #87).
2022-09-05R. B. Sadeghian, M. Shaji, Y. Kameda, and Y. Takata will give poster presentations at MicroTAS2022.
2022-08-23Our collaboration work with Yamashita Lab (Kyoto Univ.) was published in Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet.(journal #86)
2022-08-04Akihiko Kawakami will be presenting at the JSME Annual Conference 2022.
2022-08-03Ayumu Tabuchi will present at "Student Research Presentation Contest" in the 2nd Healthtech Device Forum (held by TOLIC).
2022-07-07Maneesha Shaji will present at FENS.
2022-05-21R. B. Sadeghian and Y. Takata will give poster presentations at MPS World Summit.
2022-05-19The paper co-authored by R. Yokokawa was published on Nature Communications (journal paper #85).
2022-05-02K. Fujimoto, T. Irisa, Y. Nagano, A. Haginiwa, K. Darryl will present at CHEMINAS45.