2024-03-19Our study on alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS) (journal paper #98) was featured on the websites of Graduate of School of Enginnering, The Cancer Institute of JFCR and Tokyo Medical University. (Only available in Japanese)
2024-02-13Prof. Yokokawa and K.Fujimoto will present at EMBO Workshop-The new cardiobiology.
2024-02-13Prof. Yokokawa will be presenting at FI EMS COLLOQUIUM.
2024-01-30Our study on cerebral organoids (journal paper #97) was featured on the Department of Micro Enginnering website. (Only available in Japanese)
2024-01-30Our collaboration work with Dr. Muguruma (Kansai Medical University) was published in Lab on a Chip (journal #97).
2024-01-24Our study on SARS-CoV-2 (journal paper #96) was featured on the Department of Micro Enginnering website. (Only available in Japanese)
2024-01-24Our collaboration work with Dr. Takayama (CiRA) was published in Lab on a Chip (journal #96).
2024-01-05Prof. Yokokawa will be presenting at 3rd Cancer Cells on Chip Workshop.
2023-12-13T.Nishimura, Y.Takata, K.Ofuji, K.Fujimoto, Prof.Takasato and Prof.Yokokawa received an award at Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers(JSME).
2023-11-29Prof. Yokokawa, K.Fujimoto, Z.Hang, C.Ma, Y.Kameda, A.Tabuchi, Y.Takata, S.Yadav, D.Koh, A.Kitada will present at the 46th MBSJ annual meeting.