Presentations Archives
2019-11-15R. Yokokawa gave an invited talk at "Microfluidics & Organ-on-a-Chip Asia 2019."
2019-11-05R. Yokokawa and S. Erickson gave poster presentations at The 20th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB2019).
2019-10-30R. Okada gave an oral presentation at MicroTAS2019. Liu, Sadeghian, Ueno, and Kameda gave poster presentations.
2019-09-12Cheminas 40 chaired by R. Yokokawa will be held in Hamamatsu. Please check and submit an abstract!
2019-09-11H. Ihara gave an oral presentation at Mechanical Engineering Congress, 2019.
2019-07-10R. Yokokawa gave a presentation at RIKEN BDR-CCHMC CuSTOM Joint Workshop.
2019-07-05Y.Kameda got "Best Paper Presentation Award" at Technical Meeting on Bio Micro Systems.
2019-07-01Y. Kameda gave an oral presentation at Technical Meeting on Bio Micro Systems.
2019-06-28R. Okada gave a poster presentation at ISSCR 2019
2019-06-24T. Farhana etc. gave poster presentations at Transducers 2019. R.Yokokawa served the chair session in vivo sensing.