Presentations Archives
2018-11-11R. Yokokawa gave a keynote talk at MicroTAS 2018, The Twenty Second International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences. T. Kaneko and R. Sadeghian gave poster presentations.
2018-10-30M. Furukawa, Y. Isshiki, T. Nakagawa, R. Okada, T. Kaneko, Y. Liu, C. Hang presented at 38th CHEMINAS.
2018-10-30Y. Kameda, R. Sadeghian, T. Farhana presented at The 35th SENSOR SYMPOSIUM.
2018-10-17E. Scott presented at 2018 Annual Meeting of Biomedical Engineering Society.
2018-09-15T. Kaneko, M. Furukawa, F. Tamanna presented at The 56th Annual Meeting of The Biophysical Society of Japan.
2018-06-24R. Yokokawa gave an invited talk at SDM-2018 5th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing
2018-06-14R. Yokokawa gave an invited talk at JSPS-RS Joint Symposium.
2018-05-28R. Yokokawa gave an invited talk at Molecules, Materials, Devices and Systems in Medicine.