Presentations Archives
2021-06-15Yokokawa will present at The 60th Annual Conference of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering on 6/16/21.
2021-05-13C. Surachada, S. Maneesha, H. Hotta, T. Irisa & S. Watabe will be presenting posters at CHEMINAS43.
2021-04-07R. Yokokawa will give a lecture at iPark Frontier Talk「iPS細胞の創薬応用におけるボトルネックとその解決策」
2021-02-22Tamanna and Hang will be presenting posters at the BPS2021 Annual Meeting (Feb 22-26, 2021).
2021-01-31Y. Takata gave an oral presentation at MEMS 2021. R. B. Sadeghian, A. Tabuchi & H. Kawakami gave poster presentations.
2020-10-28Y. Kameda, Y. Takata & Y. Tojo gave oral presentations at the 37th Sensor Symposium. R. Ueno & Z. Hang gave poster presentations.
2020-10-28R. B. Sadeghian, S. Maneesha, A. Tabuchi & H. Hotta gave poster presentations at CHEMINAS42.
2020-10-09R. B. Sadeghian gave a poster presentation at MicroTAS 2020.
2020-09-30R. Yokokawa gave an invited talk and Z. Hang gave a poster presentation at IEEE-NEMS 2020.
2020-08-26R. Yokokawa will give a lecture at the 10th Congress of Society for Regulatory Science of Medical Products.