Presentations Archives
2020-07-01Y. Takata gave an oral presentation at IEEJ Technical Meeting on Bio Micro Systems.
2020-06-26Y. Kameda will give a poster presentation at ISSCR2020 Virtual.
2020-02-16T. Kaneko gave a poster presentation at 64th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society (BPS2020).
2020-01-28R. Yokokawa serves ISMM2020 as a Program Chair. We welcome abstract submissions.-> The conference is cancelled due to COIVD-19. See you next year!!
2020-01-24E. Scott won the first prize of the art contest of MEMS2020. Conference website is here.
2020-01-18S. Erickson, M. Furukawa, Y. Isshiki, and Y. Takata gave poster presentations at MEMS2020.
2019-11-22R. Yokokawa gave an invited talk at "ISIPS 2019."
2019-11-21M. Furukawa, Y. Tojo, Y. Isshiki won prizes at "Future Technologies from Hamamatsu." The detail is shown here.
2019-11-21Y.Liu, H.Zhou, R.Ueno, T.I.Farhana, Y.Isshiki, Y.Kameda, Y.Takata, Y.Tojo, & A.Tabuchi gave poster presentations at CHEMINAS40.
2019-11-21R.B.Sadeghian and R.Okada gave oral presentations at The 36th Sensor Symposium. M. Furukawa gave a poster presentation.