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    Hello international visitors

    Guidelines for International Graduate Students

    Yokokawa Lab
    Department of Micro Engineering at Kyoto University

    Dear Prospective International Students,
    Welcome to Yokokawa Lab. We strive to promote an interdisciplinary multicultural research environment. We are a team with a focus on “how to make breakthroughs in life science by utilizing micro/nano fabrication technologies based on mechanical engineering.” Our laboratory belongs to the Department of Micro Engineering at Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University. If you are willing to join our group, feel free to email to Professor Ryuji Yokokawa.

    Our major research field: Microfluidics, Organoids, Microphysiological models, Bioinformatics, Bioengineering, Nano/Micro science, Medical engineering

    Further information about Yokokawa group and Kyoto University: